
[PES2011] Gameplay tool & New Gameplay patch 0.8full + hotfix released 30-06

Gameplay tool & New Gameplay patch 0.8full + hotfix released 30-06
 Clip - comming soon
New gameplay mode :
  • Gameplay Jenkey 0.7.7full : new DF AI system, improve AI for tactic & movement (COM & teammate), fix some small bug
  • Gameplay Jenkey 0.8.0beta : big change for AI system but still the beta stage (not really stable version)
  • Gameplay Yair12 final : Yair's final version, new system for AI(active AI), better linking in animation ...
New features :
  •  Add sound enchantment setting : increase more crowd volume
    New physic mode :
    • Have 4 choices for physic mode for player & ball (completed with a litle ajustment from beta version)
      • Mode 1 : Default KONAMI physic
      • Mode 2 : Realistic physic for ball & player (my recommended)
      • Mode 3 : Superstar player are difirentce with the rests. Ball is a bit weighter (recommended from most of beta testers)
      • Mode 4 : No change - will use gameplay physic setting
      Note & install guide : 
      • Remember disable your antivirus software : gameplay tool is using memory hack module
        and some AV soft missunderstand it with virus, but believe me it's not the virus.
      • For upgrade to new version you must delete all files & folder from old version (for remove all old effort)
                + Gameplay tool - run.exe
                + Gameplay tool - config.exe
                + Gameplayjen
      • Extract & Copy all files to PES2011 installed foder
      • Run "Gameplay tool - config.exe" for configuration
      • Save config (If you feel gameplay is not changed ingame, try run config & save again)
      • Play game via "Gameplay tool - run.exe"  
      New hotfix (fix error when exit config tool)

      My suggestion : Use "Animation boost" feature for better responce ingame & better DF system (COM will block your through pass...)

      Credits : juce, komu, yair12, barcafan
      and special thanks to all beta testers

      32 件のコメント:

      1. 匿名6/28/2011

        Why I cannot use your stamina setting in master league?

      2. It works in ML with 0.7.4 & 0.7.5 version

      3. tommorow or the next day

      4. Great Work Jenkey!
        I hope you have fixed some bug of the sound enhancement (like goal sound celebration )

      5. hello
        can you please add the new net physics ?

      6. @katata : im working with net physics , but looks like still have bug

      7. please check the ball in use Jabulani ever

      8. @nongnomsod : did you read my recommended ?
        change match time to "default" and it will be ok

      9. 匿名6/29/2011

        awesome! can't wait dude!

      10. grande jenkey gostaria de ser beta testador
        desse nova versão do gameplay !

      11. 匿名6/29/2011

        Hey man,

        Its working great but when I close the config file I get the windows *has stopped working* error. The config file saves all the things but I only get that error when I close the config tool.

      12. did you run it as administrator ?

      13. @Zahirul Islam :
        one point is I dont agree about PES2011 scoreboard. It's good with me.

        2) passing & throw ball : cause PES2011 use 360de movement and power gauge system. It's difirrent with PES2010 (which you said "automaticaly find the suitable player in PES 2010" it is old assisted system)
        But everyone want more freedom like un-assisted or full manualy

      14. 匿名6/29/2011

        must be in the gameplay.cfg
        the update set to 0 or 1
        in fact it is always automatically return to 0

      15. It's correct.
        auto return to 0 cause dont need to update anymore.

      16. 匿名6/29/2011

        @jenkey1002 yes I run it as adminstrator, everything is working great! there is really no problem but for some reason I get that error when I close the config tool when I run it as administrator or not.

      17. 匿名6/29/2011

        Oh and btw one thing I agree with Zahirul Islam is that I hate the stamina/power bar on the head of the player, is it for you possible to put it on left down or right down on the screen like PES 2010 or FIFA or PES 2011 free kick screen? I would love that/

      18. I will check that error and update soon

      19. darkc0de6/30/2011

        this version is fantastic, brutal, spectacular no adjectives to describe ...
        jenkey but please explains me this doubt because I do not give my chants mix, only the home work ?????
        I also think that shouting very loud so you can not hear the commentator of the game.
        Congratulations for this version brutal and please answer my doubts
        sorry bad english

      20. 匿名6/30/2011

        haha yeah I agree, the crowd volume is great but sooo loud :P why not make a slider like the chant setting for the crowd volume so people can choose how loud they want it. And also automatically increase the commentator or make a separate slider for that cause you can't hear the commentator when it's too loud.

      21. 匿名6/30/2011

        what about the nets jenkey plzz do some hard physics!! and change net shape if u can.. ty very much

      22. thanks jenkey..really brilliant..
        however, the 0.8 version is easier than o.77..
        clearly.. in 0.8, individual skill is enhanced greatly, u can really see it when top player like messi have the ball..but, there are no teamwork or tactical plan..the AI seems only want to possession..hope u can take a look..
        o.77 is still great for me.tq jen

      23. 匿名6/30/2011

        Hi Jenkey,
        1. Does it include Yair's Active AI?
        2. Should I use your gameplay to use 'your' stamina and physic setting?
        3. The crowd volume is too loud. Maybe you should make a slider.

      24. 1) Yes
        2) No, it's your choice.
        3) I will

      25. great tool and great game play .
        1- can I use physics with yair rc1 or just with your v7.7 and v8.0 ?

        2- can I use physics with default game play ( with any exe )?

      26. jenkey which should i use 0.7.7 or 0.8?

      27. Darkc0de6/30/2011

        jenkey please explain to me, why not give chants mix ???????? : p

      28. 匿名7/01/2011

        hello, first of all I must say I love the work you do. I apologize for my English because I'm from Argentina and I'm using a translator. good writing you because I have two problems, one is I have a specially modified exe to read more textures of my "unnamed_1426" so when I use your tool, I can enjoy that quality.
        On the other hand I have not really tested the latest version, but I have trouble using the tool that lets you listen to the public of the two teams. not know about the reason but this option does not work on my PC. Would appreciate any help. Already thank you very much.

      29. Dear Jenkey
        i'm really happy with ur 0.77 gameplay, i think thats great gameplay ever for me from ur release for now. I'm playing ML in premiership, big team like chelsea, arsenal, mu, etc can beat me or make a tie, and middle and lower team even push me to draw, that's interesting. But when i'v tried the 0.8 gameplay, i think it's gonna back to default konami setting, even worse, the AI can't attack me and they can't make any chance, its proved by shoot(on goal) to 0. Maybe in next release you can make the hardest than now..thats what make PES player doesnt get bored to playing it...thx once again...arigato gozaimast

      30. @dejii12 : 0.7.7 is kinda harder

        @Ciru_pablito: I know the problem with modified exe to read more textures of my "unnamed_1426". I think you should use original file, cause in some case modified exe will get the bugs with my tools.

        @pURe SMILE : I will improve more gameplay 0.8 serie. In next version I guess it's harder than now.
