
Gameplay tool - how to solve problem

1) Solve error "Cannot access memory" :
- Mark the application to always run as an administrator.
+ Right click "Pes2012.exe", "Gameplay - run.exe" & "Gameplay - config.exe"
+ Click Property

Run application as an administrator 

2) Solve problem : "MSVCR100.dll was not found"
- please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package:
-  or search "msvcr100.dll" in google & extract it to Windows\System32\

3) There're 3 ways to play game with gameplay tool :
  1. Detach gameplay & play via "Gameplay - run.exe" 
  2. Use "Gameplay - config.exe" & attach gameplay -> play with your pes2012 exe
  3. Play gameplay tool like module of kitserver
- Copy "Gameplay tool\gameplay load.dll" to kitserver folder
- Edit : config.txt of kitserver
like this
dll = afsio
dll = kserv
dll = fserv
dll = afs2fs
dll = speeder
dll = lodmixer
dll = sides
dll = Gameplayload

now it will load when start game. Remember detact gameplay if you play with this way.

If the game cannot start, please try again the other method.

3 件のコメント:

  1. 匿名2/24/2012

    hey jenkey none of this solutions does not working,i think u should make it like older versions no attach thing just to run gameplay tool like before and then there was no problems,and in this version gameplay run its not even working when i press it the game wont even start

  2. 匿名2/24/2012

    d3dx9_26.dll and d3dx9_40.dll ,these two files needs to be created so we can run it over gameplay run and then there will be no problems,older versions create it but not this one

  3. 匿名6/30/2012

    I copyied the Gameplayload.dll in the kitserver folder, I edited the config.txt by adding the dll = Gameplayload at [kload] but it doesn't works. I tryied to detach and retach the pes2012.exe by the manager.exe but nothing... Help me please, I can't even launch the Gameplay run, it loads during a couple of seconds but then nothing...

    Without that Gameplay tool, PES is kinda unrealistic so help me please!
