
PES2013 full game was leaked out ?

There's rumor : a computer store in Israel starts to sell PES 2013 today ..

Video clip : deleted

24 件のコメント:

  1. 匿名9/13/2012

    OMG! I don't belive :O

  2. As been posted on proevo forum :)

    1. I hope it's just a joke xD even 2nd demo hasn't been released yet

    2. 2nd demo for PC won't be released anymore. The game will be released sooner instead.

  3. 2nd demo wont be released jenkey.

  4. 匿名9/13/2012

    It should be a fake...

  5. 匿名9/13/2012

    I think that may be so, for how Amazon was announced today, was
    named as the 20/9/2012 release day and that's already next week.
    So I think that a 2.Demo for the PC next week completely
    superfluous ..... would mfg starmann65

  6. is true in Israel has released ... as also the second demo will not be released for PC ...

  7. i have the full game it is very fun!!!

  8. 匿名9/14/2012

    匿名 If you aint interested then fine why don't you mind your own business

  9. it is true im frome israel and i see it in the "bug" store israel get the geme first ;)

  10. I would only believe if I have it here to download.

  11. 匿名9/14/2012

    buy it

  12. Do you call Israel "People"? LOL .. think before you ask,dude.

  13. Don´t talk about them, just respect like a human being!
    You people from ASIA only care "War", "Kill people", "Bombs", "Destruction", you need to work and make a evolution on you country, besides USA kill them all, and make a new coutry as Iraq have.

  14. Eae Jenkey, sou do Brasil, cara gostaria de saber se é você que tem o pes2013, se tiver, ou se for esse Isrraelita, se tem alguma chance de ser postado para download antes da data do lançamento do jogo ?

  15. We won't help with the USA... Allah (god) promised us to go to Jannah (The Paradise)... In the Last Day of this life ....
    Israel stole Palestine from us and without any permission!! this wasn't happen in the history... That's why I cannot call them "people"..
    My friend, Allah forgive anybody whatever what's his past was ... I invite you to enter Islamic world ... to win Jannah with us Inshaa' Allah (God willing)... I hope you accept that.

  16. Allah not exist just remember that!
    Jesus is real, not Allah.
    You guys only care Allah and Kill your selfs only, just remember this....

    If you die....
    You will never came to the earth anymore.
    Enjoy your life....

    Israel stole Palestine from us and without any permission?
    Oh... you make me laugh, you guys only care is kill not care about the country.
    Oh please stop!!!!!

  17. @AnimalBear I'm catholic but you must understand that Allah isn't a God, but the word they use for God in Arabic, like the word God is used in english, and Jesus ins't God, he is God's son, and normal islamic practitioners don't kill themselves, only religious exremists do. Islam is a religion that shares it's God with christianity, but they both have different visions regarding God and the world. And Abdurrahman Akram is right, Palestine was stolen from them, however I also disagree with him in the way that Israeli are people too, you can't blame every single Isreali on the Annexation of palestine terrotory, for example, what guilt has a Israeli newborn regarding palestine? None, I say, so you both are right and wrong in certain aspects.

  18. upload etsenee ! video video nereye kadar..

  19. 匿名9/16/2012

    upload et oyarım ha

  20. @Manuel Paulo ... you are right , Allah is a name of the God ... And Allah have 99 another names we know it and one name we don't.. I know Israel are people .. but look what did they do .. you said it .. And Israeli newborn not like Palestine newborn .. they stole a country .. but Palestine newborn ... they've been stolen from Israel.. you were right in all what you say .. but the last two lines were not.. you are Catholic and I respect you and your Religion ... and I wanna say to @AnimalBear 2012 that you were wrong in what you say about Islam.. Muslims are not terrorists.. like you think... and we dislike killing people didn't do anything wrong ... That's what I want you to know.

  21. can you please upload it on the net as a torrent to download it but full version
